Chickenheart, king of the cubicle

2 min readMay 15, 2022

remember the jean-claude van damme movie “braveheart”

where jcvd played a guy who went awol from the foreign legion getting involved in illegal pit fights to support his sister in law and young niece?

this aint it.

behold the story of a special group of individuals.

the few. the despised.

the bill collectors.

these unique individuals-while possessing no real authority and never telling their real names-

go after their victims with the gusto of a school of pirrahannas attacking a chunk of raw flesh.

charming, aren’t they?

yes, these cubicle dwelling chickenhearts

defy the law with impunity, impersonate government agents, and threaten both child and adult alike (whoever answers the phone)

with impotent threats of:

wage garnishment,

vehicle repossession,

And even… eviction from one’s home.( Oh noooo!)

why are they so…evil, you ask?

because these chickenhearts want you to pay off the debt they bought from your creditor, they act like you owe them something

your rights are meaningless .consideration, respect and mercy are concepts they don’t understand

they want the money, and will do everything in their limited capacity to make you uncomfortable if you don’t pay,and pay now.

and for many a hardworking person this is a sad reality.

so how does one escape the clutches of these cubicle dwelling miscreants that makes you tremble with fear every time the phone rings?

well avoid getting into debt.

stay in touch with your original creditors and try to make some kind of arrangement before your debt goes to collections. avoid these bottom feeders, whose verbal tirade and outpouring of disrespect is emboldened by the fact that they’ll never see you face to face

but the root of all this is to pay off your bills as soon as possible.

And control your spending.

This is something you got full control of and can fix.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog




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